Thank you for viewing my profile! I'm a middle android developer with extensive experiences at building Android apps with high quality for 2+ years. I have built Player app, Chatting app(using Firebase), Catalog app, Scanner app, Geo-location app, Reservation/Ordering/Delivery app, Tranning app successfully. I usually build apps using Java on native platforms, and can build using kotlin language. The most important thing for me is to build long term relationships with...
Александр ЗелинскийMobile developing, Android IOSот 1 200 руб. за час
Vladislav SychevРазработчикцена договорная
Have abilities in Perl, JavaScript developing, participated in different web projects, have experience from scrach writing user's cabinet with mojo framework, have good skills in scripting, parsing, integrating apps,rest API. Knowledge relational databases. Have my own developments and solution as (garden community solution). Can do work as full-stack developer.
Sophie IvanovaWeb-дизайнот 500 руб. за час
HELLO! I'm open for new projects and business inquiries. My portfolio Feel free to contact me.
Nataliia Yakymiv.Net developerот 400 руб. за час
I am a .Net Developer with more than 2 years of experience. My main strength is the ASP.NET platform. I have worked on different .Net projects and have experience with ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core technologies. Technologies: • C#/ASP.NET/WEB API/MVC/Core/Web Forms/Entity Framework • HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap • Javascript/Ajax/JQuery • SQL/Microsoft SQL Server/MySQL
Константин МарченкоДесктопные приложения, драйверот 600 руб. за час
More than three years develop work futures like a software and devices behavior and mini projects like tetris, i2c lcd library, cloude kettle, custom car alarm. Worked with Sonos, ZigBee, Zwave, Lutron, Alice, CAN, HTTP, WebSoket, and lot of other protocols, used Codeblocks and VisualStudio, developed for windows, raspberry and stm32.
Артем КугаевскийPHP программистот 500 руб. за час
Занимаюсь разработкой сайтов на php. В работе использую Symfony framework, но могу рассмотреть и другие инструменты. Участвовал в разработке проектов разной сложности, от сайтов-визиток до сложных CRM и Saas систем.
Iryna AbramovaUX/UI Web designцена договорная
Hi, I'm Irina, designer from Poland. I’am a UI/UX designer, webdesigner, a peson who likes her job. With more than 2 years expierence as a freelancer and 1 year of working for agencies Why I love what I do? I can’t imagine morning without coffee and a moment for myself when I can check new projects on behance. This little feeling of jealous when I see a briliant project and I am wondering why I didn’t come with this idea earlier. This many hours spending on looking for a best colour, working...
Pavel Piatruklinux serversот 1 500 руб. за час
Hello, I am a freelancer. I have been working with Linux servers since 2005. I provide various services related to Linux servers, hosting, cloud servers, automation, networking, e-mails, security, tuning and troubleshooting. You can find my recent completed projects & customers feedbacks on
Талгарт СаркеевFrontend разработка, программицена договорная
I am a recent graduate from International Alatoo University. I graduated in June with a bachelor’s degree in computer science department. During studies, I worked as a frontend developer. I have worked on various platforms including HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python as well. My experience includes working on a large website, building a government websites with admin panel, working with Javascript library-React.js, coffescript with Angularjs. I like working on challenging projects which is why...
Нэля ПарфеноваFull-stack Developerот 100 руб. за проект
Full-stack Developer (experience more than 6 years) Main skills: Frontend - Vue.js (Vue, Vuex, Vue-router, Vuetify/Bootstrap), Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, JS Backend - Go/Java/Python, DBs: MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL Other: GIT - projects management, pipelines. Build/Share/Run dockers. Analyst skills (experience more than 8 years): BPMN, UML, IDEF notations and other methods of analysis.
Konstantin GusDBA , Data Warehouse Developerот 2 500 руб. за час
23 years of information technology experience in Data Architecture and Business Intelligence. Experienced in multiple full life cycle development projects including gathering business requirements, analysis of source systems, design data strategies for both transactional, operational, dimensional and analytical system requirements. Define and deliver data strategy and develop concepts, logical data models, data architecture diagrams including current and target state. Design and develop data...
Артём ЧукалинИнтернет-маркетинг, разработкаот 1 100 руб. за час
WordPress|Laravel|Magento|UI/UX web & mobile|html/css|p2h|PPC Kharkiv, Ukraine based Senior Full Stack Developer. Over 8 years of experience in developing Websites and Mobile sites. Good in UI&UX design and scratch. Expert in e-Commerce Projects My sweet spot is helping Agencies Solve, Deliver and White label development projects to their clients. My Promise to you -Always on time -Always in Communication -Never over Budget I can help you develop a project from scratch...
Гор ГеворкянMEAN Stack Developmentот 1 300 руб. за час
Меня зовут Гор, Я начал заниматъся программированием более 5 лет назад. С первых дней изучал Javascript и основатилъно развил свои навыки засчет опыта работы как в местных компаниях, так и фрилансером. За последние три года я работал на трех SaaS платформах (Angular (JS - 6), Node JS, Express JS, Mongo DB...) и развил структурные знания и способностъ решатъ нестандартные задачи. Я очень ценю доверие и компитентность в партнерских отношениях и всегда успеваю в срок. Буду рад долгосрочному...
Юрий КолесниковiOSот 1 000 руб. за час
8 years of commercial iOS software development experience, with 5 years of Swift experience.Experience of working in outsource companies as well as companies with own products.Experience of supporting third-party projects of different scale.8 years of Linux System Engineering / DevOps experience.Backend development experience with Python and Ruby on Rails.Not willing to develop banking or dating apps.
Евгений ЕвгеньевSoftware Developmentот 970 руб. за час
WPF /Xamarin.Forms / C# developer IT, Internet, Telecom • Software Development Work experience —4 years 2 months .net developer C#, Xamarin.Forms, WPF 1. ASi-5 Addresser Cross-platform application for configuration of industrialnetworks using ASi-5 protocol. Bluetooth LE, USB, TCP communication withhard devices in IoT projects. Landscape + portrait views for both Phone andTablet, fully adapted Desktop. UI adaptation for all platforms (iOS, Android, UWP).Dynamic ...
Ggold Miners RussiaРазработка сайтов под ключ наот 800 руб. за час
Работа над последним сайтом на базе WP+CMS+woocommerce некоторые технические стороны данного ТЗ не раскрыты 1-Покупка сервера (VDS/VPS/host) под запрос клиента и критерий сайта 2-Покупка Domain-name 3-Покупка CMS 4-Покупка фото для сайта (Поиск привлекательных фото для сайта) 5-Регистрация личного кабинета 6-Регистрация SSL certificate для Domain-name 7-Регистрация и настройка зашиты IP server 8-Регистрация и настройка...
Николай ТуровВеб разработчикот 2 500 руб. за час
Приветствую вас в своем резюме! Telegram: @turovnd Кратко обо мне: ✓ 5+ лет опыта разработки SAAS систем и SPA приложений ✓ Сейчас я Senior Web Developer, имеющий опыт управления командой разработчиков из 3 человек ✓ На клиентской части предпочитаю React & Redux-Saga (либо Vue & Vuex) ✓ На серверной части - Node & Express, MongoDB / PostgreSQL (зависит от задач) ✓ Покрываю код тестами, использую Eslint и webpack сборку ✓ В среднем по 70 часов в неделю посвящаю...
Виктория СолодковаIT-копирайтингот 1 000 руб. за тысячу знаков
Пишу и редактирую тексты. digital, разработка, аналитика, менеджмент. По запросу пришлю ссылки на другие материалы. статьи: 1. Как управлять гигантами: правила формирования команды и построения процессов в веб-разработке 2. Работа над ошибками: как бизнесу получить хороший продукт, работая с подрядчиками 3. Внедрить data-driven и остаться в живых. Подводные камни веб-аналитики...
Viky KovalMarketing, Translationот 400 руб. за час
Hi there! I am a newbie here but ready to start off with some super-duper interesting projects and be a real help. If I'm giving my proposal to do the job, be sure - I'd do it the best I can and I find it inspiring and feel curious about it. As for my skills, right, I have a solid experience in everything concerning content writing (marketing included). You can check on some of my activity in LinkedIn profile. I speak English fluently, German - on the Intermediate level. So, If you need...
Роман ПоповРазработка электроникиот 1 000 руб. за час
WHAT I DO: I help Startups and Small Business Owners solve problems with the development of a prototype, MVP or unique electronic equipment for your business by providing R&D, electronic circuit and PCB design, prototyping, troubleshooting, and preparation of documentation for serial production. WHY IT WORKS: I have been working with small business and start-up entrepreneurs for over 10 years and I can make the most effective, efficient and affordable offer for you. WHAT MAKES ME...
Koyu TechSaaS под ключот 2 000 руб. за час
Аккаунт более не используется. По всем вопросам разработки проектов просьба писать на почту:
Светлана ЛазареваFilmmakerот 200 руб. за час Motion graphic artist. Filmmaker. Available for love and projects.
Vardi LLCРазработка ПО по модели SaaSцена договорная
Vardi Software Development Team Придумываем, экспериментируем, пробуем, разрабатываем, внедряем, оптимизируем.
Александр МоскалевPerformance-маркетингот 440 руб. за час
Product/project-менеджер, интернет-маркетолог. Имею опыт создания успешных продуктов, составления roadmap, продуктового анализа (user stories, customer journey maps, карты эмпатии), управления командой, удаленного управления разработкой IT-проектов. В интернет-маркетинге более 5 лет, имею опыт успешной лидогенерации. Глубоко понимаю психологию пользователя, умею погружаться в боли и потребности клиента, знаю современные рекламные технологии, в том числе технологии веб-разработки. - умею...
Eugeny KaminskyPythonот 1 200 руб. за час
опыт работы5 лет опыта · Английский Pre-IntermediateI am a Python developer with a background working in financial markets building and executing trading strategies for Quantopian, TradingView and zipline framework. I am experienced with building reporting systems that automate recurrent tasks, and presenting visually appealing data. I have extensive experience using (Python 2.7-3.7.x,conda, pipenv, virtualenv, pandas,pip,highcharts,matplotlib,zipline) and statistical analysis to build...