Фрилансеры (1452)
  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    10 years of experience in backend dev. Breaking monoliths into microservices. RESTfull or RPC daemons for mobile backends or single page apps, tcp and udp servers. Keywords: golang grpc tcp udp redis, aerospike, couchbase, mysql, mongodb rabbitmq, apache kafka.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Andrey Selivanov
    Data Engineering & Analytics
    от 700 руб. за час

    Bachelor of Business Analysis. Working as Data Developer in a Netherlands wholesaler of Internet services and products since May 2019. Profesional scope: - designing, building and maintaining data migration and ETL processes; - analyzing, designing and developing data structure for applications and reports; - creating automatically updatable analytical reports, BI-dashboards. Technologies: MySQL, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, Tableau, Power BI, etc. Reports Portfolio: CLTV (post factum), profitability,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Александр Виноградов
    web разработчик
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Мое Портфолио Подвижение сайтов услуг и магазинов, seo аудиты, контекстная реклама. Разработка собственной CMS на базе фреймворка для сайтов услуг и интернет магазинов и сайтов каталогов. Разработка CMS для высоконагруженного проекта Memcahe оптимизация запросов, кеширование запросов. Seo продвижение высоконагруженного проекта , система поддоменов для каждого города. Оптимизация сайтов по Page Speed, оптимизация серверной части приложения. Заинтересован в долгосрочном...

  • R50 7f96d346be1084cd4e5130010b40524a
    +0 / -0
    Andrew Whiteman
    Вёрстка сайтов, CMS
    от 20 000 руб. за проект

    Мои навыки вёрстки: FlexBox, Grid, Адаптивная вёрстка, Анимация Установка и настройка CMS: -WordPress (как установка админки для редактирования контента, так и полная посадка на WP) -WebFlow Мои работы: -https://site-for-a-law-firm.webflow.io/ -https://hayes-valley-of.webflow.io/ -https://evils-first-majestic-project.webflow.io/ -https://wrings-initial-project.webflow.io/ -https://wh1tes-supercool-project.webflow.io/

  • R50 83ee242b5fd9207ac00ee522e5707f16
    +0 / -0
    Александр Барахтян
    разработка, архитектура
    от 1 000 000 руб. за месяц

    https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderbarakhtyan/ Highly qualified product and project manager with 20+ years experience in building distributed high-load & low latency applications, extremely strong hands-on engineering background (c++, objective-c, java etc), multi-cloud and on-premise, unique hardware/software platforms. Absolute experience in algo trading solutions and services. Build and invent complex software/hardware products and services - all steps, from idea, establishing...

  • R50 b1486f47c64acf131704b2059008377f
    +0 / -0
    Daniel Cojocari
    Translate,convert PDF to Word,
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Hi,my name is Daniel I am a freelancer I am able to create documents, translate, convert, documents, photo editor and many more, I can help you with what you have proposed, I promise that your work will be done professionally and in a timely manner very small, so I think you will give me good reviews and we will continue to work with you. Thanks in advance for choosing me and not my competitors. Good day.

  • R50 c4d8718d1d91b7bca5dd99cdd068176f
    +0 / -0
    Karina Lopatenko
    UI-UX designer
    от 530 руб. за час

    Hi there I'm UI-UX designer, my last job was on NDA projects on Latvian company for almost a year. Was working on applications and web sites, accompanying this application. I`d like to join talented and motivated team to grow and improve your skills. I want to combine my knowledge and passion for design flows and experiences that are simple, elegant and intuitive. So, for now want to continue making great and useful application and marketplaces, also ready to work on online...

  • R50 d96f11046d29540fb0210e8590c2e546
    +0 / -0
    haidar iqbal
    Front End Developer
    от 1 100 руб. за час

    Thank you for visiting my profile. I am a full stack web developer. I have many happy and satisfied clients around the world, you can see their views on the right side :) . If you couldn't find what you need, Feel free to contact me and I will assist you. Thank you.

  • R50 9038db7bf61410653b92b6f1a9a616a5
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    ● Strong experience in C++ and knowledge of standard library, STL containers, and algorithms, Boost modules ● Excellent knowledge of C++ templating, C++14 ● Strong experience in Objective-C, Swift for iOS platform and Kotlin for Android platform ● Good experience in using third-party libraries ● Strong experience in using GIT, JIRA ● Good experience in using different IDE like Visual Studio, Netbeans (PHP), XCode, Android Studio ● Strong experience in multithreading programming, cross...

  • R50 9bb3f57a5d520e8f991610bfe30815bb
    +0 / -0
    Яна Кулеш
    UI/UX Design
    от 300 руб. за час

    Graduated from the courses "Adobe Photoshop for web & graphic design" and "UX/UI Design" at Educational Center of HTP "IT Academy". Also I am a 4th year student of BSPU. Specialization: pedagogical psychology (long distance). Portfolio - https://clck.ru/RbvqQ LinkedIn - https://clck.ru/Rbvjr

  • R50 5072ccfaa96950e5064e951ae1bf1a34
    +0 / -0
    Артём Кузнецов
    Веб-разработка frontend/cms
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Создание и поддержка веб-сайтов * Гарантия на каждую работу 1 год * Первое обращение за услугой со скидкой 10% * Мы частные партнёры, в наших ценах нет процентов на содержание компании * Пишите по любому вопросу, что касается веб-сайтов, консультация без платы * Можно найти решение практически на любую задачу Основные услуги: * Разработка концепции и стиля вашего веб-сайта * Создание дизайна веб-сайта * Перевод дизайна в код сайта, с любыми калькуляторами * Интеграция вёрстки на систему...

  • R50 de8362e5e77fb17e5fc6a8e28d0ae5c8
    +0 / -0
    Мария Смирнова
    Веб-дизайнер, моушн-дизайнер
    цена договорная

    Я веб-дизайнер, моушн-дизайнер и иллюстратор. Занимаюсь дизайном лендингов и версткой на Тильде с адаптацией для мобильных устройств. Примеры работ: 1, 2, 3Создаю векторные иллюстрации (флэт, изометрия, иконки, логотипы) и анимации (2D, в изометрии, видео под готовую озвучку, анимация персонажей)С мая 2019 года занимаюсь PR в Международной НКО AEGEE-Europe - занимаюсь ведением страницы IT комитета на Facebook, сама создаю иллюстрации и видео к постам. Работаю удаленно в интернациональной...

  • R50 c9d3b14920e5050c5ed3f43d5b0cbe0b
    +0 / -0
    Алёна Стасенко
    HTML верстальщик
    от 300 руб. за час

    Привет, меня зовут Алёна. Я HTML-верстальщик. Занимаюсь адаптивной вёрсткой сайтов и лендингов различной сложности уже более 2 лет, как с 0, так и по готовым проектам. Стек: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Less, Gulp, JavaScript, JQuery, БЭМ. Верстаю кроссбраузерно под разные платформы с соблюдением семантики разметки и чистоты кода. Скорость работы своих сайтов тестирую на Page Speed Insights. Со мной удобно работать и мне важно, чтобы клиент остался доволен! Я всегда на связи. Буду рада ответить на...

  • R50 19a2d15a78e654a7d5ae4a6493a6a9da
    +1 / -0
    Nikolai Krasikov
    iOS разработка (Swift)
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    SKILLS Swift, UIKit AVFoundation, AudioKit, CoreLocation, MapKit, StoreKit Apollo GraphQL CoreData, Realm Firebase (FireStore, Authentication, Storage, Remote Config, Analytics, Crashlytics) Grand Central Dispatch Swinject MVC, MVP, Clean Swift, Coordinators + OOP, SOLID, GRASP, GoF, basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms Languages: Russian (native), English (advanced) EXPERIENCE (since 2019) NDA (since Jan 2021)Trains timetable and tickets booking apps (two flavors of the...

  • R50 35ed5c90a94f9938810d0e5a4ce9718f
    +0 / -0
    от 500 руб. за час

    Я являюсь Frontend разработчиком, разрабатываю в команде такие проекты как: www.logtime.ru, www.mybase.pro. Год работал в студии https://it-yes.com/. Список технологий: Angular 9, Vue.js CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript SCSS, SASS, LESS, BEM TupeScript, WebPack, ES6 Module PerfectPixel, Google Page Speed (90+)

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Anna Bovda
    web development
    цена договорная

    Sloboda Studio is a Ukraine based provider of mobile&web development services with 70+ technical experts since 2010 To learn more about our projects please use the link https://sloboda-studio.com/work/ We are well-experienced in a wide range of software domains: - Mobile&Web development- Fin Tech (Finance news analytics, crowd curation)- Data science/machine learning/AI solutions- Booking systems (taxi and real estate, geo-location API connection)- E-commerce (Full featured CMS and...

  • R50 ae1c154c45e500de52fcccd02bf36599
    +0 / -0
    Gang Tan
    Flutter&Dart | Android | IOS
    от 200 000 руб. за месяц

    I am a hardworking, highly proficient IT professional and an Senior Mobile developer skilled with all the tools required for the art of creating marvelous Apps. - I have a passion to create wonderful and eye-catching Web Apps that appeal to both the users needs and senses. By this time I have learned to tackle various kinds of projects and provide their further development with new versions and maintenance. - I am currently Mobile/Web developer. I have over 7 years of experience in...

  • R50 e6d508dea16f2f7128f4190038a723fa
    +0 / -0
    Алексей S
    Ускорение и разработка сайтов
    от 700 руб. за час

    Цена работы - 700 р/час 1. Разработка сайтов на Laravel. 2. Интеграция любых API. 3. Настройка сервера на Linux для запуска сайта. 4. Установка и настройка быстрого сервера Nginx с любыми 3-rd party модулями. 5. Настройка кеширования для веб сервера, проксирование, кеширование MySQL запросов, для увеличения скорости сайта до 40х. 6. Настройка сертификатов SSL, протокола HTTP/2. 7. Установка PHP, MySQL. 8. Установка любых CMS - Wordpress, Opencart. 9. Настройка простой среды разработки для...

  • R50 5c111253c62d1e408a5e9d501ed91e94
    +0 / -0
    Альберт Розе
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Данил Битяев
    Дизайн, монтаж, фотошоп, анали
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Business Process Optimization, Intern • Business expansion project in the countries of Armenia and Uzbekistan • Configure the routing of written appeals to Customer Care Center • Configure the routing of oral appeals to Customer Care Center • Project to transfer part of calls to an outsourcing call center • Configure the routing type to transfer part of calls • Creating creating instruction for this process • Training of outsourcing call center agents handlining calls • Participation in the...

  • R50 edb6b6b7bd6a22b65b3809080a35c60c
    +0 / -0
    Sargis Qalajyan
    UI/UX & Graphic Desiger
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    With the design and development of web pages, mobile applications or landing pages, I try to contribute to this web world with creative and functional designs, pleasing customer expectations. I consider myself a responsible, creative, agile and punctual person, I welcome the new challenges, with good management of interpersonal relationships, ease of teamwork, I always try to give my best in everything to achieve goals set with work groups or by said agency I specialize in the UI / UX user...

  • R50 bc60676b5c8f4c0c6e60620ebe9b3cd6
    +0 / -0
    Narek Poghosyan
    Full-stack web developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    Hello, my name is Narek. I work as a professional Laravel and WordPress developer already 7 years. I've collaborated with such famous companies as Worknet, Walton Jewellery, Dalma Risapartments, Unishop, Med-Express and many others. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, and I've been working in that field ever since. I have significant experience of creating web applications, using a variety of...