2 года работы на Python3 [numpy, scipy, matplotlib; tensorflow; машинное обучение: с учителем(SVM, Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression + regularization, Classification one-vs-all)/без учителя (K-Mean); глубокое обучение: Classification; optimization - dropout; Natural Language Processing; Convolutional Neural Networks; Reccurent Neural Networks]2 года работы на на С++ [STL, WinAPI, openCV]2 года работы на C# [WinForms, WPF, Azure]3 курса высшей математики: теория вероятностей и...
Иван КалинчукКомпьютерное зрениеот 2 000 руб. за час
Дмитрий КарпуцВеб-разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
Areas of expertise: • Full-stack development • CMS: WordPress, Tilda • Research an Development • Team and Project Management • Ai - Development • Prompt - Engineering • Assistant API Development • Machine Learning, Deep Learning • Data Science • Bot - Engineering(WhatsApp/Telegram/Instagram/Messanger) Experience: • 2+ years of experience in AI - Development • 4+ years of experience in Full-stack-development • 2+ years of experience in Bot Development • 2+ years of experience in Data Science ...
Андрей ДегтярукРазработка для стартаповот 5 000 руб. за час
Has been involved in commercial products development for more than 8 years already. Most of his experience comes from web development of highly loaded services, including large electronic trading platforms, and also cooperation with fintech companies. At the very beginning of his career Andrey developed a social network game called ‘100 to 1’ — the number of its users reached 10 mln people at the peak. Later, he worked for an international business incubator Rocket Internet(Thailand). and also...
Артем БерезинEmail маркетингот 350 руб. за час
Specialization: - customer service; - lead generation use mail and social networks; - sales kovnweer CRM, integration ERP; - сold mailing to clients; - analytics, verification data; Use different technologies, mechanics. I author technologies Live Marketing Direct (LDM). For you e-mail LDM get range contacts in social networks, messengers. Use range contacts, LDM transformed сold to hot e-mail contact use social signals and send offer only really interested your offer. Language Front End -...
Виктор Ларичевios, swiftот 1 800 руб. за час
I am a developer of native applications for iOS, I have 4 years of experience in software development. I have a strong knowledge of basics, such as common design patterns (MVC, Clean Swift, MVVM / RxSwift), Swift programming language and standard iOS platforms (UIKit, AVFoundation, ARKit, SceneKit, etc.). I also have experience with most frameworks like Moya, R.swift, SwiftLint, Fastlane, Firebase, Fabric, etc. I also have experience developing desktop and mobile applications using Qt / C ++ /...
Бахтиёр БахритидиновПрограммистцена договорная
Здравствуйте, Меня зовут Бахтиёр, в основном занимаюсь разработкой вэб-приложений уже более чем 10 лет. Мой родной язык Таджикский, и я свободно говорю на английском, испанском и русском языках. Во время моей рабочей карьеры я имел возможность работать также в нескольких иностранных компаний, это вэб-студия Orange Web, Россия как фрилансер, Исследовательский центр по информационным технологиям в Университете Сантьяго-де-Компостела, Испания в качестве исследователя и Transparent Language...
Марк БPinescript languageцена договорная
Trading algorithms creator
Иван МыцьПереводчик английскогоот 270 руб. за тысячу знаков
Hello my dear clients. My name is Vania. I am a dedicated translator from Ukraine who graduated Kyiv National Linguistic University and completed the full course of study. But during two years I have been living in Bournemouth, Great Britain. I achieved professional qualification (expert in translation - the English Language). I always take care of the most complex requests, regardless of the subject matter of the source document. Skills and services: -Translation Ukrainian English ...
Иван СнегиревML&AI, developmentот 5 000 руб. за час
Имею более 4 лет опыта в сфере анализа больших данных и ML. При решении различных бизнес-задач выполнял работы как на этапах Data Mining, Data Cleansing, а также, Data Science, Data Scrapping, Data Engineering. В процессе взаимодействия с крупным коммерческими компаниями решал ряд задач, связанных с: deep learning for Natural Language Processing, look-alike, audience research and segmentation, recommender system, scoring system etc. В работе занимаюсь задачами построения предиктивных...
Константин МитрейкинРазработчикот 700 руб. за час
--Языки программирования: C#, T-SQL, 1С --Скриптовые языки: PowerShell, VBScript, Встроенный язык программирования 1С:Предприятие --Базы данных: MSSQL, MYSQL, SQLite --Языки описания отчётов: Report Definition Language - RDL (Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services), JRXML (JasperReports), Система компоновки данных - СКД (1С) --Frameworks .Net EntityFramework (LINQ, Code-First, Base-First), WPF (XAML, MVVM, PRISM, DEVEXPRESS), WCF, 1С --Инструменты ...
Дарья ЧереминаIOSот 700 руб. за час
Закончила университет по специальности "Экономика и статистика". Год изучаю программирование. Есть готовые проекты на Си, python, Swift (для IOS).
Алексей ИвановРазработчикот 30 руб. за час
Advanced knowledge and Experience in SAP: - ABAP Dictionary, ABAP Workbench, ABAP Objects; - ABAP Programming, ABAP Object Oriented Programming; - Inbound/Outbound interface Architecture, Interaction between SAP and external systems (RFC, Web Services); - Function modules, Function groups, Subroutines and Include Structures; - ALV Controls, Dialogue programming; - Changing the SAP standard, Enhancement Framework; - SQL; - S/4 HANA; - BRF+: - BOPF; - WebDynpro, FPM; - Core Data...
Ана ТМашинное обучение и Статистикацена договорная
Я - аспирант Университета Техаса в Остине (один из лидирующих вузов мира в области искусственного интеллекта на данный момент), байесовский статистик (Bayesian Non-parametrics, Markov Chain Monte Carlo ( MCMC ) optimization) и специалист по машинному обучению ( нейронные сети, в частности, различные формы Variational Autoencoder (VAE) и другие модели). Ищу интересные проекты на стыке науки и технологий, особенно методов машинного обучения (в идеале-нейросетей с применением байесовских...
Антон ШтарёвMachine learning engineerот 2 000 руб. за час
Professional engineer with knowledge in mathematics, especially in statistics. Hard skills in time-series analysis, regression analysis, natural language processing. Over 5 years of software engineering experience. Building scalable data pipelines with Google Cloud Platform.
Николай ПавловFull Stuck Developerот 1 800 руб. за час
I'm Web / Mobile developer and eCommerce specialist with 4 years of experience. Professional in a wide range of web technologies and frameworks (CMS) - Magento (1 and 2), Bitrix certified, Wordpress, MODX developer experienced with Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) and Bitrix Environment administration (CentOS, Apache, Nginx). Expert Mobile Android (Kotlin, Java language), iOS (Swift, Objective-C), Xamarin forms and Unity applications developer (Unity engine , C#, XAML, Android, iOS). While...
Татьяна Крачкоtranslation, interpretingцена договорная
Interpreter from/to English or French as a Second or Foreign Language
Антон РябухинИзысканный перевод текстовот 500 руб. за час
Hi I'm new! Please be nice (: I studied English language, culture with great interest and soon I realised that I had found my future career in translation as well as programming, by the way. As a freelance translator, I combine my passion for languages with my interest in technology and mostly focus on translations in the field of IT, such as the localisation of software and software documentation or websites.
Artur BaltaevSenior Fullstack developerот 2 000 руб. за час
Actual cv: goo.gl/81vNYd Development of HighLoad SOA projects, API, APP backends (mobile, SPA/ReactJs), daemons and services Ready for: developing from start to end, full-stack, refactoring, audition, high traffic optimization Language: PHP 3 => 7.1, JavaScript, Perl, Bash DB: SQL (DBA, analysis, optimization, mysql, pgsql, Pl/PgSQL), NoSQL, Elasticsearch, Sphinx Frameworks: Laravel, onPHP, Bootstrap, corp Frontend: async SPA, Gulp, Babel, Vue.js, React.js OOP Patterns: SOLID,...
Александр ЗелинскийMobile developing, Android IOSот 1 200 руб. за час
Thank you for viewing my profile! I'm a middle android developer with extensive experiences at building Android apps with high quality for 2+ years. I have built Player app, Chatting app(using Firebase), Catalog app, Scanner app, Geo-location app, Reservation/Ordering/Delivery app, Tranning app successfully. I usually build apps using Java on native platforms, and can build using kotlin language. The most important thing for me is to build long term relationships with...
Oleg M.Software Developer (Go/Golang)от 1 100 руб. за час
About 7 years of experience: - Desktop GIS (geoinformation systems) software. - Data processing backend infrastructure for auotmated forex trading system. - Demand side platform for RTB project. - Web backend infrastructure for online tv/cinema provider. - P2P network eimulator/simulator for cryptocurrency/blockchain project. Current language of choice is Golang. GMT +8 timezone.
София ОсиповаInstagram, manegment, vkцена договорная
Продвижение видео на Ютуб, сммманеджмент, личный менеджер, сотрудничество с крупными блоггерами
Алексей Ли.NET C# ASP.NET MS SQL Serverот 450 руб. за час
Programming language: C# Technologies: .NET, ASP.NET, XML, ADO.NET, NHibernate, iBATIS.NET, LINQ, ADO.NET Entity Framework, Crystal Reports DBMS: MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite Experience in IT: 10 years Objective: to provide high quality service in software development/maintenance.
Леонид Александроввеб-программист, верстальщикот 300 руб. за час
Full Stack Web Developer (prefer Frontend) FrontSide: HTML5, xHTML, CSS3, SVG, VML, JavaScript, DHTML, AJAX, JScript(HTA,WSH), WebBrowser Extensions, jQuery; ServerSide: PHP, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PostgreSQL, 1C-Bitrix, Wordpress; Version Control: GIT, SVN; Front Layout: Cross-browser, valid, adaptive, semantic, SEO-optimized, pixel-perfect layout CrosssCode: Internet Explorer 9+, Mozilla FireFox 8+, Opera 12+, Safari 5+, Google Chrome 5+, Microsoft Edge; Language: English(Prof limited),...
Miradil ZeynalliEmbedded Software Engineeringот 1 250 руб. за час
GreenCycle Smart Aquarium. With the wasted water, water plants and use minerals of water as fertilizer. Used Technologies Microcontroller: Teensy 3.6Modules & Sensors: GY-30, LM75A, YL-69, pH probe, SIM800,Communication Protocol: TCPEnvironment: None Avtomaks v2.0 GPS device for tracking car. With this device you can get: latitude, longitutde, speed and state (turned on/off) of the car. Used Technologies Microcontroller: ATmega 2560Modules & Sensors: SIM800, NEO-6M GPS...
Daniel TkachenkoHTML-верстальщик|Front-end devот 500 руб. за час
Daniel Tkachenko Front-end developer Personal information: Name: Tkachenko Daniel Oleksandrovich;Nationality: Ukrainian;Date of birth: 29.08.2000 ( 18 years old );Telephone: +38073 333 03 04;E-mail: danieltkachenko333@gmail.com;Education: 2018 - till now: Vinnytsia National Technical University, faculty of software; 2007 - 2018 Middle school ; Langugages: Ukrainian – native language;Russian – second language;English – advanced level (C1);